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D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会理事会服务

D是什么?.C. 澳门赌场官网公会理事会?

The 董事会 of Governors (BOG) provides strategic oversight and general charge of the affairs and activities of the 酒吧. The 董事会 is composed of the following members:

  • 总统
  • 当选总统
  • 秘书
  • 财务主管
  • 财务主管-Elect
  • 前总统
  • 十四(14)名澳门赌场官网成员
  • 三(3)名非澳门赌场官网成员(无投票权)

All officers and voting members also serve as the 董事会 of Directors (BOD) of the D.C. 酒吧公益中心 and are elected by active 酒吧 members. Non-lawyer members are recommended by the Nominations Committee and approved by the 董事会 of Governors.

I have a lot of work and personal commitments – what is the estimated time commitment for 董事会 service?

While there is no fixed or minimum number of hours required for 董事会 service, the monthly time commitment for a Member could range from 5-15 hours depending on the number of meetings, 准备时间和必要的跟进. Regular 董事会 meetings last approximately 2-3 hours each.  董事会 committee meetings are held 2-6 times per year, depending upon the committee.

The time commitment required for Officers is generally greater, as they typically sit on multiple committees and have additional responsibilities with regard to additional meetings, 审阅会议资料, 与酒吧员工协调工作.

我从来没有在董事会任职过. Will this preclude me from running for or being elected to the 董事会?

No. The 酒吧 welcomes all active members who are interested in serving the membership and the D.C. legal community and have a vision for the 酒吧’s future. Though prior leadership or relevant volunteer experience is highly desirable, 不需要过去的董事会经验.

I don’t live or practice in the District of Columbia. 我还能在董事会任职吗?

是的! 全活性D.C. 酒吧 members are eligible to serve, even if they do not reside or practice in the District. Members will be able to attend 董事会 meetings in person (conditions permitting) or virtually.

Will I be expected to travel for 董事会 service?

在一般情况下, 董事会成员预计不会出差, with the exception of local events when circumstances allow.

Why should I consider running for a 董事会 position?

Serving on the 董事会 of Governors will position you among a select group of volunteer leaders whose expertise, diverse perspectives and spheres of influence help advance our position as the nation’s preeminent bar.

You will have the opportunity to lend your talent and voice to help the 酒吧:

  • maintain the highest ethical standards, absolute integrity, and an unwavering commitment to service;
  • 热情地追求组织卓越, 推动持续改善, and set the highest standards of conduct in the legal system – in our backyard and around the world;
  • drive systemic change in the legal system and increasing access to justice;
  • empower lawyers to achieve individual excellence; and
  • foster collegiality among the brightest and most capable lawyers on the planet.

We serve our members so they, in turn, can serve the community.

Help us continue to deliver on this commitment.

Does running for 财务主管 or 财务主管-Elect require finance-related experience?

Finance or similar experience might prove helpful but it is not a requirement. D.C. 酒吧’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Finance Department provides ample support to the 财务主管 in preparing reports on the operational status of the D.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心. The 财务主管 delivers a report at BOG/BOD meetings on at least a quarterly basis, 在财务总监的大力协助下.

需要明确的是,D.C. 酒吧 employs the CFO and the Finance Department to oversee the maintenance of the books and records of the organization. 这包括资产管理, 投资, internal controls related to receipts/disbursements of the organization, 所有政府文件(视情况而定), 以及组织预算, fiscal planning and enterprise risk management.
